What If All Your Clients Loved You?

Consider what life would be like if all your clients loved you. How would you feel? How would your business be different? If the prospect of an appointment with you made your clients smile?

Imagine, too, that you loved your clients in return. Your clients would contribute to your economic success, sure, but their importance to you would extend far beyond their financial value.

The idea of all your clients loving you may seem a bit far-fetched to you, but I bet you have one or more client relationships that come close to love right now. Who is your extraordinary client? The one who is not only a client, but a friend too. You want to go to lunch with this client and find out what’s new in their life. Nobody ever told you that you’d have a client who felt so much like a friend that the boundary between business and pleasure is stretched so thin it barely exists. Maybe you feel almost guilty taking money from this person. Surely, you think, she’s only buying from me because of our bond.


Maybe that’s not the only reason your extraordinary client is buying from you, but it’s one of the best. She could probably get the same product or service someplace else. It’s the relationship that keeps her coming back to you. Here’s the thing, I could list 15 ways to attract more extraordinary clients, but you already know how. You know what you need to do; it’s just a matter of doing it. Making that call, setting that appointment, looking them up on LinkedIn.

Here’s an idea.

Within the next 7 days make a conscious effort to attract one additional extraordinary client. Someone you like that you’d like to have as a client. If you are ambitious, try to attract two. Make a quick list right now of 5 things you could do to attract that client that loves you within the next 7 days. If finding a new client seems too daunting, then try to give some extra love to 2 clients that you have a good relationship with, but it could become an excellent relationship. Call them up, learn more about their business, how can you provide a solution to their problem, how can you service this client so they become a “raving fan” and admit that they LOVE YOU!

How can you attract more extraordinary clients into your business? If you need ideas, let me know, I have PLENTY! Life is too short to have crabby clients. Politely find a way to let them go. Focus on your positive relationships and you will prosper!

“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” ~ Albert Einstein  

Michelle Aspelin
Entrepreneur and Professional Implementer
Mindshare Marketing and Implementation Services LLC
952-484-5015 – connect with me on Facebook too!
