Time to Review Your WordPress Websites

If your WordPress Websites are more than a year old, it’s time for a review and probably some updates. Here are a few tips for you to consider as you look over your WordPress Websites.

  1. Look at the content itself. Is it current? Do you have projects or events you need to ADD to your site? Review your COVID language as we are coming out of the pandemic and moving towards more in-person opportunities. Have any elements of your core organization changed? Any new policies to add, adjustments to your mission or objectives? Do you think your website is attracting the right audience to serve your purpose?
  2. Are your images outdated? A picture can speak a thousand words. Maybe it’s time to take some new photos for your website about your own projects, events, products, etc. If you don’t have your own photos, you can consider purchasing some at a very reasonable price. I list a photo website on my Resources page.
  3. Are your forms still accurate and asking all the best questions? Maybe it’s time to send your audience a survey. I seem to be getting a lot of those lately. Connect with your audience to know that you are still providing the products and services they desire. I like to use Google Forms so the answers are automatically transferred to a spreadsheet that creates a database for easy reference and sorting. There are many types of form options to help you gather information.
  4. WordPress websites are enhanced with plugins. Plugins can make your website load faster, keep hackers out, make working in WordPress easier with a drag and drop page editor, and you can use plugins to help with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Google Analytics. There are thousands of plugin options to make your WordPress website function to meet your needs. Make sure that you ENABLE the option to keep all of your plugins updated automatically. That was a somewhat recent change WordPress made and it’s fabulous. Outdated plugins are a like an open window for hackers to enter your site.WordPress Websites
  5. After looking at your website’s content, images, forms and plugins, if you still think it needs a new look, consider a new WordPress website theme. A theme is what gives your website it’s “look”, determines the layout with rows or columns, what the header and footer look like, the colors and fonts, if it has a sidebar or not, etc. Is it responsive, meaning it “moves” as you scroll down the page. Does your website look good on all devices like phones, tablets and desktop computers?
  6. Maybe it’s time to add a video to your WordPress websites. Videos can explain who you are, what you do, and how you are different. People browsing your website will enjoy the break from having to read everything. Keep your videos around 2 minutes. Much longer and you will lose the viewers interest. Keep it concise and on-point to share your message. You are better off with 1-3 smaller videos than one long video.

If you need help updating your website, let me know. I can help you review what you have and make recommendations to update your site and keep it as safe as possible from hackers. Your website is your hub of your marketing campaign. All of your ads, social media, business cards, etc. drive traffic back to your website. If it’s not current, it can hurt your reputation. Sometimes you just need a few minor changes to have a huge impact. Let me know if I can help with advise or doing the work for you.

Michelle Aspelin
Mindshare Marketing & Implementation Services, LLC

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