Tag Archive for: Marketing Services

Do you have a Marketing Department? If not, good! If you do, don’t think these are the only people responsible for marketing. Accounting is a department, marketing isn’t. Marketing is something everyone in your nonprofit or business is doing 24/7/365. Every time you take a call, it’s marketing. Every email you send is marketing. Every time someone uses your product or service, it’s marketing. All of the content on your website is marketing. If you own a restaurant, that mint you provide with the check is marketing.  For retail businesses, the point-of-sale checkout counter is marketing. Even for a service business, your invoice is marketing.

You should realize that all these little things are more important that what you throw into a bag to hand out at a conference. Marketing is the total of everything you do but don’t let that scare you.

I help nonprofits and small businesses review their marketing to make sure it’s consistent across all of your tools like your website, print materials, digital materials and your communication channels like email and social media. I offer Marketing Services. You want to be sure you have a consistent message and that your entire organization knows your mission and your values.

If you’d like a quick review to see where you are at and if you are on track to make the best impression on your current and future clients and customers, give me a call. I’d be happy to work through your offerings and fine tune your efforts.

I think the most critical tool you have is your website. Always make sure your site is the most up to date as possible. This is the place where you have unlimited space to talk about your product or service in your own words. After all, you put your website on everything hoping to drive traffic there. Make sure your prospects know exactly what you are offering now. Keep in mind, the media and other companies use your website as a way to get to know you before they pick up the phone or send an email to “raise their hand” that they could use your product or service. Learn about my website services.

Michelle Aspelin Mindshare MarketingCall me to get started 952-484-6015.

  • WordPress, Weebly & Squarespace website design services
  • Marketing Consulting
  • Nonprofit Membership Management Implementation
  • Virtual Administrative Services

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Michelle Aspelin
Mindshare Marketing & Implementation Services
Learn more about me on Linkedin.