Tag Archive for: Feedback

Use Feedback To Your Advantage

the success principlesThere are two kinds of feedback—negative and positive. We tend to prefer the positive, it feels better. It tells us we are on course, that we are doing the right thing. We tend not to like negative. However, Jack Canfield, author of The Success Principles says,

“There is as much useful data in negative feedback as there is in positive feedback. In fact, it’s so valuable that one of the most useful projects you could undertake is to change how you feel about negative feedback.”

Instead of thinking of it as negative, think of it as the world telling you how you can improve what you’re doing. How to make your product or service better. Many folks don’t normally volunteer feedback, you have to ask for it. One way to do that is with a simple one question and follow-up question survey. I have recommended this numerous times to my clients as a quick and simple way to get really good feedback. It works for businesses, organizations, nonprofits, groups, clubs, committees, and personally too.

The Most Valuable Question You May Ever Learn

Jack even says in his book, if the only thing you get our of reading his book is the consistent use of this question in your personal and business life, it will have been worth the money and time you invested in the book. So, what’s the question?

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being best), how would you rate the quality of our (product, service, relationship) during the (last week, two weeks, month, quarter, season)?
There are a number of variations you can use, the idea is to ask overall how happy are they with what you provide? Here’s the kicker…

Any answer less than a 10 gets the follow-up question: What would it take to make it a 10?

This is were you get some really valuable feedback. Knowing in detail what would make them more satisfied gives you the info you need to create a better product, service or relationship. Why not end every project, meeting, class, training, consultation, installation this way? I recommend adding a second follow-up question.

If you answered 10, what do you like best about our (product, service, relationship)?

I feel like asking this follow-up question to your already happy clients will help you find out some skills you might be very good at that you hadn’t recognized. Depending on what answers you get, you might incorporate this information into your print and online marketing materials. You learn what you do best and that it makes a difference to your clients, customers, participants, volunteers, etc.

You can send your survey question via email, ask it in person, or make it anonymous by using a free tool like SurveyMonkey.com. The key is to frequently ask for feedback, review what they say and take action with the feedback for even better results.

If you have questions about getting valuable feedback, give me a call or send me an email. I’m here to help.

Michelle Aspelin
Mindshare Marketing & Implementation Services LLC

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson
Coauthors of The One Minute Manager


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