MembershipWorks Demo – START HERE

Watch the videos to learn how MembershipWorks can work for your nonprofit, club, organization, group or business!

I’ve set up a sample organization called Mindshare Marketing & Implementation Services and I have imported fictional members as a way to give you a brief overview of the MembershipWorks member management platform. How it looks, how it integrates with a website, and the some of the multiple ways it can be customized for your club, nonprofit or organization.

To the right are links to sample pages I have added to my website to show you what it could look like for your club, nonprofit or organization.

I make WordPress websites. I can make a new website for you or add MembershipWorks to a WordPress website you already have for your nonprofit, club, organization, group or business.


MembershipWorks offers lots of options for customization and very efficient and automated communication with the members. I have a detailed checklist that I go through with each new client so I can customize the MembershipWorks setup options. Plus, I offer detailed training videos and a lengthy document to help you manage MembershipWorks after it’s launched.

Get Started!

If you would like help implementing MembershipWorks, I would love to work with you! Ask me for references or view the websites and testimonials on my developer profile on the MembershipWorks website.

MembershipWorks Features and Benefits Video Series

For the BEST viewing experience: After you click on the red PLAY button, click on the white square that’s in the bottom right corner of the YouTube video so it EXPANDS the video to the Full Screen View so you can see the whole video. After you are done viewing, you can hover over that same area of the YouTube video or hit the ESC key on your keyboard to Exit the Full Screen View.

#1 What is MembershipWorks?

Quick overview of the features and benefits for your organization

#2 What does MembershipWorks LOOK LIKE on a WordPress website?

See how specific pages and elements might look on your website

#3 How does MembershipWorks WORK exactly?

A look at the back-end of a MembershipWorks account

Partnership with Blue Ridge Graphics

Collaboration for national and regional dog clubs

I work with Joan Brown of Blue Ridge Graphics to add MembershipWorks member software to the fabulous WordPress websites that she creates. This video points out more specific options available that we have added to MembershipWorks to fit the needs of Joan’s dog club clients. Anyone can watch the video and learn more about how MembershipWorks can be customized. I appreciate the opportunity to work with Joan. Since early 2022 we have done this work together for over a dozen clubs.

Visit Joan’s website to see the portfolio of websites she’s created. Blue Ridge Graphics, based in North Carolina.